Saturday, July 21, 2007

Maybe Older Sisters Really Do Know Something

For as long as I can remember I have enjoyed working in the yard. Growing up it was pretty much yardwork for the boys, housework for the girls (yuck). Since I enjoyed the yardwork I would do that and then cry, "Foul" when I was told to then go inside and do my chores.

The point is that I always enjoyed it, but it became a real liberating experience when my sister, Becky, told me just to plant things in the ground and not worry about it. If the plant doesn't work in an area, dig it up, move it and worse case scenario - pull it out if it dies. Well, that took all the stress out of it and made it much more fun.


Yar said...

What a great banner photo and photo of your pretty pot. You're one lucky woman to have such a loving husband. :)

Mrs. Pallagi said...

Aunt Bonnie,

So happy you are doing this!!! It is so much fun!


Anonymous said...

OK, get cracking, sis...your blog is looking neglected!!

Yar said...

Sam posted her second entry on her blog. She's winning Bonnie.

Mrs. Pallagi said...

SO YEAH... ONE MONTH since you started this endeavor. So, uhhh, yeah... I think Uncle Yar is taking up all the blog-writing-abilities in The Sheets Home. j/k, not really, yeah I am, actually not really. lol.